Bleach, is it safe and environmentally friendly?

Back in 1787 French chemist Berthollet discover sodium hypochlorite. By the end of the 19th century Louis Pasteur discovered it’s potent effectiveness against disease-causing bacteria.

Today this diluted chemical is known as bleach. Bleach is a chemical and thus can harm the environment if not handled as directed by manufacturers however the same is true with the coolant in your automobile or the gasoline in it’s tank.

Bleach has been used in a wide range of applications to keep humans healthy from NASA using it from returning space missions, hospitals cleaning medical instrument to your mom getting those stains out of your laundry.

When used correctly bleach is cost effective and safe for both humans and the planet. If you are sceptical then think of swimming in it or drinking it. Yikes! Yes swimming pool water you completely submerge your skin in contains bleach and municipalities add it to your drinking water to keep you safe and heathy.

So is there a place for bleach in an environmentally conscientious cleaning companies arsenal of tools? Yes most definitely. When stored safely, diluted and applied safely bleach harms only the dirt and bacteria that you want removed.